Hemp Oil Store

You may visit a hemp oil store with a lot of expectations. While some of these are usual expectations, others may be so lofty that reality may not live up to them. Here is an ‘expectation versus reality’ post concerning your visit to a CBD boutique.

Expectation: All Legal Products

In all American states, a hemp-based cannabidiol product must legally contain up to just 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol. So you may naturally expect every hemp derivative there to have only that much THC, but the reality can be completely different from it. Unfortunately, some stores sell products that contain slightly more THC than it. Therefore, the high-THC products would be recalled from the stores in the event the FDA discovers the illegal practice. This situation often happens because the federal agency does not regulate the hemp derivatives market.

Expectation: Substantiated Medical Claims

For the same reason, there could be theories about using cannabidiol for a particular health condition that scientific research does not back. A recent occurrence is an unsubstantiated claim that CBD could even cure the novel coronavirus disease. As a matter of fact, there is still not enough evidence to prove that it potentially has this capability.

The FDA has recently issued many statements that warn the businesses against making these kinds of claims. While some of its responses are understandable, others seem a bit harsh in hindsight. For instance, one of its 2018 statements addressed “the proliferation of products claiming to treat or cure serious diseases like cancer.” Cannabidiol can help to treat cancer, but the agency does not yet officially accept using it as satisfactory for this purpose.

Expectation: Knowledgeable Staff

Not everything that takes place in a hemp derivative store is negative. There are also positive aspects of many of these outlets, such as them having people with much knowledge of cannabis on staff. Many online hemp derivative stores also have a chat application with some internet-connected staff to clarify visitor doubts regarding it. Interestingly, not every visitor expects that they will get to communicate with such knowledgeable people there.

Expectation: Regarding The Selection

Depending on what form of the store you visit, you may anticipate seeing tons of hemp derivatives or a smaller selection. For instance, it is common for an online store to have more products than a brick and mortar shop. The same will usually be the case when it comes to hemp CBD.